Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Here is another example of how we limit our creativity. In the hierarchy of education of maths and language at the top, humanities next and the arts last the skill that we need the most for the current age is creativity. We usually educate it out of kids and move whole body education up to the left side of the brain.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

I first saw this informative clip on Patrick Jones' blog
Filtering the volume of information we have at our finger tips can be overwhelming. This clip is one of the simplest potted history I have seen and is a great introduction to the new book by Richard Heinberg and William E Rees, Thinking Resilience, Ch.3, The Post Carbon Reader, Edited by Richard Heinberg and Daniel Lerch, 2010