Monday, November 8, 2010

Coming Home Workshop December 3 Melbourne

I had the privilege of doing Ian McBurney’s ‘Coming Home’ workshop earlier this year which is a meaningful, fun and inspiring professional development experience that explores ecological sustainability from a really unique approach. The workshop content is up to date and relevant AND his facilitation is really brilliant. As a professional facilitator I cannot help but admire work that is well constructed. He covers how we learn and why we change, why conversations beat solar panels, what we can learn from nature and how to win in a green economy. The workshop has been in development for over ten years and is delivered with Ian's trademark humor, passion and clarity. It is a fast paced and inspiring look at the fast growing green economy and the largest people movement in human history.

Working in the sustainability field professionally I have attended lots of these kind of workshop this was really worthwhile and lived up to its promise. The workshop is for professionals who want to engage in a more meaningful approach to sustainability rather than only a techno fix. ‘Coming Home’ is on at the Abbotsford Convent on Friday December 3 from 9am to 4pm. The cost is graduated to enable individuals as well as community and corporate participants to attend.

The details are on where you can download a brochure or register.

Please contact me if you would like to know more about the workshop. All the best!