Compared to what is put into technological research behavior change is a neglected area of climate change education. Yet unless we can do something different things wont change. I think this is a brilliant article on how to get more savvy with behaviour change. Using behavioral science to make smarter energy policy | Energy Bulletin
Here is a small excerpt from the article:
"How much does it cost for a given climate solution to eliminate (abate) a metric ton of CO2 emissions? With plug-in hybrid vehicles, that ton costs around $12. With wind power, it's $20. With carbon capture and storage at coal-fired power plants, it's $44.
How much does that same ton of CO2 abatement cost using these behavioral programs? -$165. No, that's not a typo. It's a negative sign. As in: $165 worth of profit per ton of carbon pollution reduced. If similar programs were expanded nationwide, Allcott and Mullainathan estimate a net value -- savings minus costs -- of $2,220,000,000 a year. Of course much research and testing remains to be done before it's clear whether these programs perform equally well at scale, but as a first approximation, that's not too shabby."
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